PFMConnect, Private/public Sector relationship development
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Private/public sector relationship development services

We seek to use our global knowledge and experience of government policy, regulation and operational needs and practices at all levels to facilitate the development of constructive working relationships between private clients and public sector organisations throughout the world.
We are available to facilitate aspects of business to business arrangements that involve official regulation and oversight or support clients in doing business with various arms of the public sector.

Examples of our relationship development services are set out below.

Service Service Description
Background analysis on public policy and state structure Assessment of policies, priorities and timescales relevant to specific business interests and details of how state organisations relate to specific issues
Market-related data gathering and analysis including business risk assessment  Collation of data concerning demographics, economic performance, and the business environment
Statutes, regulations and official guidance Introduction to the  regulatory environment relevant to business objectives and assessment of the impact of such environment on client operations and objectives
Public sector procurement methods used for different types of goods and services Explanations procurement processes relevant to client business interests and support during bidding situations 
Focus on public sector import and export practices for different goods and services Identification of relevant regulations and processes concerning the import and export of goods and services and of the relevant departments, agencies and people concerned
Focus on  in-country investment Identification of relevant regulations, institutions, processes and people concerning operational investment decisions
Support for strategy development to address relevant opportunities and document preparation support Assistance with the development of negotiation and operational strategies required to satisfy business objectives and assistance with the development of project and promotional documentation
Advocacy for improvements to business conditions Assistance with the development of propositions questioning government policies that could deter trade and investment
Guidance on international corruption conventions Briefings on international action against corruption, penalties and prosecution policies in home countries

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