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Public financial management services
We support public sector organisations achieve acceptable standards of public financial management. We do this by offering cost-effective assistance to help clients review their public financial management programmes, identify weaknesses in current practices, design improvements and implement reforms. Where ever possible we use online technology as the conduit for providing our support as it is fast and cost-effective, enabling follow-up support to be made readily
available. Site visits, key discussions and workshops can be offered as
necessary but we believe that digital communication has much to offer
in this field.
Mentoring & advice
Staff may need guidance from time to time to develop new skills and make personal judgements on issues where they have limited experience. We can support personal development, act as a sounding board for new ideas and provide advice on the execution of specific tasks.
Problem solving
Public services face an extensive range of challenges that can often demand some form of urgent financial management response. We can help identify problem-solving measures, design solutions and implement an effective response.
Online surveys
We design and conduct online surveys examining public financial management topics. Survey results can make an important contribution to reviewing performance, evaluating strategies and assisting in the development of future plans
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